2021 Walk Across Alabama
Would you like to be one of a group challenged to "Walk Across Alabama"?
It's easier than you might imagine – especially with the help of Shoals Community Clinic, during our walking event.
March 1 – May 7, 2021
Register NOW to be invited to the Zoom Kick Off Event on March 15th Shoals Walk Across Alabama is an annual event to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. Participants are asked to set personal goals and to walk at least 10 miles over the 10 week challenge. The goal is to encourage everyone to get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity 5 days a week, as is recommended by the American Heart Association. The program is open to anyone, but it is recommended that individuals consult with their physician before joining this or any exercise program.
Link to Registration Forms.
Link to our Facebook Page.