March 18th - Spring Health Fair
The Shoals Community Clinic, in partnership with UNA College of Education and Human Sciences, Department of Kinesiology, will be hosting a Spring Health Fair on Friday, March 18th from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm. The event will be free for anyone over the age of 40 – or under 40, if suffering from chronic health conditions.
Free services include full cholesterol screening; you must fast for 12 hours prior to testing, blood pressure and resting heart rate, body mass measurements, and a consultation with a certified exercise physiologist. All participants will take a health history survey and fill out a consent form. Bottled water and a snack bar will also be offered following the screening. Participation will help the Kinesiology professionals research the effectiveness of recent screening processes and possibly reduce unnecessary medical referrals for individuals wanting to participate in exercise.
The Spring Health Fair will be held at the Shoals Community Clinic located at 309 WC Handy Place in Florence, Alabama. For more information, please contact the clinic at (256) 760- 4713.